My Sleep Paralysis Experience
Submitted by: Heddy Johannesen
I experienced something terrifying as I was sleeping. I had sleep paralysis.
But it was what I saw while I had sleep paralysis that forever changed my belief in demons and spirits and what the demon did.
The entire experience was thankfully a dream.
I saw what I can only say was a nasty demon. That is the only thing I can think of. It was horrific and a bit traumatizing. I will never be the same.
I was sleeping in my bedroom when the sleep paralysis experience began.
I know during a sleep paralysis experience the entire body is paralyzed.
It didn't occur to me then that something evil might take advantage of my paralysis. I dreamed I was standing in my broom closet on a step leading down the stairs to the closet. I was literally super glued to the steps.
My scream was strangled in my throat.
A weird thing- the demon- drifted in a disturbing horrific way into view. It had no lower body. It did have an upper torso and head and arms. Something weird and white was all over the head. The eyes were so evil and held my gaze against my will. The two hands were outstretched with very pointy fingers.
I couldn't move or scream and that was all I wanted to do. I felt so terribly overpowered by the demon. If that is what possession is, then no thanks.
If all of that is not terrifying enough, the creature./ beast/ demon spoke to me in a dark horrible voice.
My scream was getting stronger by the second but no sound came out. Somehow I managed to break free and came out of the sleep paralysis experience, full of unanswered questions.
This story is true.
Painting: The Nightmare, by Henry Fuseli (1781) is thought to be one of the classic depictions of sleep paralysis perceived as a demonic visitation.