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Visitor On A Kentucky Farm

Submitted by: Shannon

Hello , I live in eastern Kentucky and this is what has been occurring in my area.

First I'll tell you about my Dad and cousin's encounter. One day he was hunting with my cousin Sam .

While in a Tree stand he heard a scream or yell.

corn field

My cousin was sitting under the stand. Dad said it shook him and Sam.

My dad is 6'4 , 300 lbs. It takes a lot to scare him, and he said this " thing" sounded bigger than him.

He said it he could hear it braking and tearing through the brush. My Dad is a active hunter, he knows about every animal in these woods.

He said it was not a bear, deer, pig or a big cat.

He was scared to death. He and my cousin got on their four wheelers and sped out of the holler.

Now, at my cousins house his hunting dogs will not go into that area.

Many of his animals have gone missing. Sam has had other experiences. One night he, his wife and his children were sitting in their living room watching a movie when something shook their house.

He's had this this happen more than once . Things have hit their house in the middle of the night .

Now this is my own experience.

When I was younger we lived on a farm.

I remember one night me and my mom were standing on the back porch, and we heard something yell. Later we heard an animal sound like it was being killed.

My mom ran inside and locked the doors. She called my dad and told him what happened. The same phenomena occurred every week sometimes once or twice.

We moved out of the house, and the person who bought it was a family friend named Keith.

His wife Linda had called the police, because she heard something outback where they kept the chickens and cows.

When I lived there our live stock would disappear mysteriously.

When the police  pulled up and started talking to her about what happened, something big ran from behind the house into where the turnip and corn field was.

They were both surprised, and he asked her what it was. He fired shots but whatever it was, was long gone.

These are my and my family's experiences.


Unresolved pending further research