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Unidentified Objects

Unidentified Objects that move across the sky

There is much activity in our skies, and not all of it buzzes at the height of mosquito season. From lights to the appearance of actual solid objects, UFO stories go back to the 1950's and even earlier.

So this section of the site is dedicated to stories about the objects that hover, zig and zag across our clear, unobstructed sky. 

Have you ever experienced something in the sky that you could not explain? Click here to Tell Us Your Story.

An alledged photo of a large grey alien 👽 as found in a park in England.
Is this proof that extraterrestrials exist?

Is This Final Proof Extraterrestrials Have Landed?

According to Victor Sopsan of the website Techno Fres, an alien investigator and paranormal expert named John of Newton Abbot, Devon, took the photo below of a large grey alien. 

** See the end of this article for an UPDATE **

According to Sopsan's article "Paranormal expert snaps space alien in a park and claims it is final proof that extraterrestrials are in Britain" John was out looking for signs of alien life when he came across the being shown in the photo. 

But that's not where the story ends. That would be too easy.

Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out

Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed

SYFY, the folks that brought you Finding Bigfoot AND Shardnado now a 2 hour TV documentary special coming soon to a pay channel near you. In it, they have Apollo 11 crew member Buzz Aldrin discussing unexplained lights he and the other astronauts saw while on the Moon. 

Many other scientists and lunar experts open up with their experiences as well. See the video below for more details.


Click the links below for more information on:

Buzz Aldrin

Apollo 11

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The History Channel's "Secret Access: UFO's On The Record"

For decades, people from all parts of the planet, and in a wide variety of occupations claim to have seen something in the sky that they could not quite explain. 

It's easy to dismiss all of this as attention seeking behaviour. But consider the photo below taken by Paul Trent and his wife on their farm in 1950. At that time, there was little positive that could result from faking a UFO photo. The image is still controversial, and has never been proven to be a hoax.

Paul Trent UFO Photo 1950

Today, most people equate UFO's with extraterrestrial life forms, time travel and a few other options. Often, people who report seeing unidentified flying (or hovering) objects are accused of lying, being drunk or in need of medical attention.  

It's not hard to find the fakers, they're all over YouTube these days, and of course people do make mistakes or misidentify things for a variety of reasons. The suggestion that someone who sees something they can't explain is mentally unstable is just wrong.

According to Huffington Post columnist Lee Speigel in his article "History Channel Puts The Strongest UFO Evidence Under The Microscope" there is a lot of compelling evidence that something may in fact be out there.

In the video below, the History Channel takes the strongest evidence available to them and breaks down, incident by incident, some of the most compelling information available on UFO's.