
Things that go bump around the world

ParaNorthern news - Other Wordly NewsOur paranormal news section covers stories from around the world with a range of topics from ghosts, spirits and hauntings, bigfoot and other cryptids, unidentified objects and other news from the world of the unexplained. 

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Russell Crowe releases photos of UFO

Written by: The Overlord

Let's face it. Some people are easy to make fun of and the media really seems to like poking fun at Russell Crowe. So when Russell Crowe posts photos of a UFO, the proverbial fur is going to fly.

Regardless of what you think of him, his movies or his personal antics, he recently released some photos that are worth taking a look at.

Sudbury Journalist Seeks Your Help

Written by: The Overlord

Sudbury journalist Jenny Jelen is looking for your stories for her book Spooky Sudbury. 

As Jenny says:

Spooky Sudbury is a collection of short stories about the weird, wonderful and unexplainable things that happen in the city we know and love and call home. The book is a joint project between Mark Leslie, author of the 2012 publication Haunted Hamilton: The Ghosts of Dundurn Castle and Other Steeltown Shivers, and local reporter Jenny Jelen.


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